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A Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide to Hockey

As a busy entrepreneur juggling deals and deadlines, you might find yourself in the unexpected hockey arena of the EVZ – and no, we’re not talking about the latest stock ticker symbol. Whether you’re a hockey novice or a seasoned investor in Zugerberg, fear not. Here’s your crash course on hockey, sprinkled with a dose of entrepreneurial humor.

Hockey Explained

1. Power Plays vs. Power Lunches

While power plays on the ice involve penalty boxes, your power plays might involve negotiating a game-changing deal during a power lunch. Who says the boardroom can’t be as intense as the rink?

2. Goal Celebrations or Funding Announcements?

Ever experienced the euphoria of scoring a goal? Imagine that feeling when you secure that crucial round of funding. Break out the virtual high-fives, and maybe even a victory dance – just keep it away from the shareholders’ meeting.

3. Hat tricks and High Returns?

In hockey, a hat trick is scoring three goals in a game. For entrepreneurs, it might be closing three deals before lunch. Either way, both deserve applause and perhaps a celebratory hat toss.

4. Checkling Lines and Profit Margins

Hockey has checking lines; entrepreneurs have profit margins. Both involve strategic positioning and making sure you’re not getting checked out of the game – be it on the ice or in the market.

5. The Penalty Box vs. The Time-Out Corner

Sometimes, you need a breather. In hockey, it’s the penalty box; in entrepreneurship, it’s the time-out corner where you can reassess, strategize, and maybe even catch up on emails.

6. Zambonis and Zen Moments

Zambonis smooth the ice; entrepreneurs seek Zen moments amidst the chaos. Take a cue from the Zamboni – sometimes, a well-orchestrated plan can make everything glide more smoothly.

7. Team Jerseys or Business Casual?

In the hockey world, it’s all about team jerseys. In the business world, it might be more about the dress code. Just remember, whether it’s on the ice or in the boardroom, the right uniform sets the tone.

So, there you have it – a crash guide to hockey for the busy entrepreneur. Now, go out there, score those business goals, and remember, it’s okay to do a victory lap around the office. Just leave the ice skates at home.

A Busy Entrepreneur’s Guide to Hockey
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